Wednesday, November 12, 2014

O Canada!

Yesterday I attended a Remembrance Day Service at the local Cenotaph. I hadn't been for a few years, and was surprised by the attendance numbers. Perhaps people came out in a show of patriotism after the shooting at Ottawa's cenotaph and in Quebec a few weeks ago. With global terrorism incidents so regular in our news, it strikes me over and over again how blessed I am to be a Canadian citizen.

Ours is a country that truly strives for respect of all races, colors, faiths and nationalities. I'm proud of that.  Ours is also a country that steps in to work for peace. I'm proud of that too. I'm grateful for our military troops, for our law enforcement and first responders.

I feel so blessed to have been born in this country.  How different life is in parts of the world where children grow up with strong biases against certain groups, where violence is the norm, or where poverty keeps children or sometimes just girls from getting a decent education, health care or proper nutrition. I could have been born in a country where children are taught to bear arms - and use them - at an early age.

Growing up, I somehow supposed that people the world over lived more or less like I did. What a naive assumption that was! How much I have learned - and in the learning come to see that, being blessed as I am, I am responsible to be a part of their solution in whatever way i can.

And indeed, I am so grateful for this country. My country.

When we sang "O Canada" at the service yesterday, I had to stop singing for the lump that formed in my throat. God, keep our land glorious and free...